“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” – Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Graduating is definitely the goal. So, with a fresh license in hand what is next?
Depending on your personal confidence, financial condition, family situation and other factors unique to you, there are a few options available. Will you work for a while for someone else? Buy an existing office? Or dare to open one from scratch?
As you embark on this exciting chapter of your life, I would like to assure you that ROI Corporation is here as a resource that you can count on. We have been working with healthcare providers since 1974 and we service clients across Canada. ROI Corporation appraises and sells optical practices. We are happy to provide suggestions and answer to any questions you might have. As such, we would like to offer a little advice.
Don’t rush into anything:
If you decide working for someone else is the best option, it is important that you take a bit of time to
explore where you want to work geographically. If ownership is in your cards, you do not want to limit
yourself in the future because of the non-compete you sign today. Any owner of a practice will expect
you to sign a contract, which is reasonable, so make sure you do not impact your future decisions.
Consider opportunities outside urban areas:
Some of the best practices to buy are located outside of major cities. Most people buying always want
store-front, major cities and within an hour of where they presently live. Smaller towns boast
opportunities for practitioners as they enjoy a higher net profit, less competition and lower cost of living.
Be prepared:
If you are not experienced at owning a business, use the next 12-18 months to learn as much as you can
about entrepreneurship. Attend business seminars, focus on your communication skills and speak to
many accountants, bankers, brokers and lawyers to establish your key group of advisors.
All buyers are encouraged to register on our NLS (New Listing Service). By going to our website – www.roicorp.com,
and registering, you will be advised whenever there are new opportunities. Even if you are not ready to purchase, this will help you get familiar with key industry stats.
If you have any questions, feel free to personally contact me at jackie.joachim@roicorp.com. Always happy to help.
Good luck!!

Jackie has 30 years of experience in the industry as a former banker and now the Chief Operating Officer of ROI Corporation. Please contact her at Jackie.joachim@roicorp.com or 1-844-764-2020.