NextGen OD Student Ambassador Program

Meet the Ambassadors

Nyah 280 x 380 (1)

Nyah Miranda (OD Candidate 2026 –  New England College of Optometry)
NextGenOD Digital Communications Associate
AOSA Trustee-Elect
Transitions Lenses Student Ambassador
Hometown: Cobble Hill, Vancouver Island, BC

As a second-year optometry student at the New England College of Optometry, I am passionate about connecting with the optometric community through social media.

NextGenOD has helped to make me aware of the numerous job opportunities when I return home to Canada. Moreover, I have been blessed with an incredible network of students and doctors and a chance to embrace my creativity in the digital space.

My hope is to work in private practice in Canada after graduation. When I’m not studying, I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, and trying new restaurants in Boston.

Jenny Lee OD

Jenny Lee (OD UW 2023)
Clinical & Refractive Optometry (CRO) Liaison to NextGEN OD

As a recent graduate and onboarding Pediatrics and Vision Therapy resident at the University of Waterloo, I’m thrilled to be a part of the optometric community, not only as a clinician but also as a learner, educator, and mentor! I believe that now, more than ever, there are so many opportunities for optometry students to become involved and expand their potential, especially in Canada.

Through my role as CRO Assistant Editor and Liaison, I am excited to connect with students and doctors alike and stay up-to-date with ongoing advancements in our field. I look forward to contributing to more clinical research to support vision therapy and vision rehabilitation, which is rapidly growing and becoming more accessible.

I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC and completed my undergraduate degree at UBC (Physiology). I completed clinical externships at Eye Associates of Pinellas in Pinellas Park, FL and Bolton Optometry Clinic in Bolton, ON.

Outside of optometry, I am passionate about hiking, paddle-boarding, watercolour and digital art!

Natasha Reyes

Natasha Reyes (OD Candidate, University of Waterloo Class of 2026)

AOSA Trustee Elect

Transitions Student Ambassador


Before starting my career in optometry I attended an arts school in Toronto, followed by McMaster University where I completed a double major in Biology & Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour. During this degree I found my passion for optometry and vision science while working as an optometric technician and research assistant.


I am an executive member of the University of Waterloo’s Advancement of Independent Optometry Club, as well as the president of our chapter of the American Optometric Student Association. The first year of my optometry degree was made rewarding through the breadth of knowledge and networking opportunities I experienced.  As a NextGenOD ambassador I hope to provide Canadian students with resources and opportunities to ensure they are prepared to transition into practice after fourth year. 

Michelle Paul

Michelle Paul (OD Candidate 2025  –  Pacific University College of Optometry)
AOSA Trustee

My optometry journey has been so rewarding at Pacific University. I have been grateful to have met many inspiring students, doctors, and industry representatives through online networking throughout the US and Canada.

The wealth of knowledge and resources that NextGenOD provides is presented in a concise and creative format. I really appreciate that NextGenOD wants to help optometry students, new graduates, and optometrists across Canada succeed.

I am an active member in many clubs such as our Student VOSH chapter, Practice Management club, CL and Scleral Club, Ocular Disease club, and am a student Ambassador at Pacific University.

I grew up in Saskatchewan (Prince Albert) but did my undergrad and spent most of my adult life in Victoria, BC at the University of Victoria. I also hope to practice in British Columbia after I graduate. 

Stephanie Mathews

Stephanie Mathews (OD Candidate 2026 –  Michigan College of Optometry)
Vice President, Canadian Professional Students Association

I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario and attended McMaster University in Hamilton ( Honours Bachelor of Science, biology).

In addition to servicing as the Vice President of our Canadian Professional Students Association, I am an active member of SVOSH, NOSA, and the AOSA.

I value the widespread reach social media gives us to connect with each other as eye care professionals. I am excited to join NextGenOD to create a network with peers in the eye care industry and to share what I learn with students across the US and Canada.

Sameer Majumdar

Sameer Majumdar (OD Candidate 2025 – School of Optometry – MCPHS)
AOSA Trustee
CAOS Marketing Director

I always knew I wanted to have a profession in healthcare and so working in an optometry office prior to optometry school really helped me solidify my choice of profession. I grew up in Milton, Ontario and received an Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology from McMaster University in Hamilton.

In addition to being the AOSA Trustee for MCPHS, I am actively involved in the school’s campus life, admissions team and a current executive member of my school’s local CAOS chapter.

I admire how close and welcoming everyone is within the optometry profession and I value the connections that I will make throughout my career. I’m excited to join NextGEN OD as I believe I will develop more as a clinician through networking with colleagues and have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience amongst students across the country.

Thank you to our NextGen OD Sponsors